Wednesday, October 14, 2015

MYST Post #2

       There are so many things about this movie that make it so great, the mind blowing concept, the intense actions scenes and unbelievable acting cast, but not many people really look into a movie like this and take a deeper look into things like the cinematic aspects. An example of this would be the editing. There are not many movies that can compare to this one when looking at the editing work. Christopher Nolan really out did himself on this film, especially in the scene where Joseph Gordon- Levitt was being chased down a hotel hallway and all of the sudden the room completely flips upside down as they are battling while trying to keep their balance with the constant atmosphere change. The scene continues to Joseph struggling to get into his room to reach the device that helps them transport from level to level, when all of the sudden in the real word, s friend is pushed into the water making his level lose control. The slow motion scene of his friend being pushed into the water was one of the most dramatic scenes throughout the entire movie. As he was falling, the viewers could tell that something wrong was about to happen.
       This is hands down one of the most interesting movies I have ever seen. The overall concept absolutely blew my mind to the point where I had to watch it multiple times to fully understand what was going on. This movie honestly doesn't compare to many, but if I had to pick one movie I would have to compare it to Momento. I pick this movie not because it exactly has the same concept, but the way the movie was portrayed can be relatable to Inception. Momento is another movie I had to get a second glance at because I didn't fully understand what the director was trying to do, but once again I viewed it another time, I understood and like inception, but very pleased and intrigued.
       There where many heart pounding scenes in this movie, but if I had to pick one, it would be the scene where Leonardo DiCaprio is face to face with his wife who is on the edge of a ledge about to jump. They exchange words but its no use, she jumps to her death as Leonardo can only watch helplessly. This scene though, was in another level, in other words not real time. So the interesting part is when she died, she just moved into a deeper more dangerous level that no on dared to go in.



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